Winter - Mixed Recreational
The game: Games will be played on the lit turf fields at Creve Coeur Soccer Park, Wednesday nights beginning at 6:30 from December 11th through February 26th. (With the exclusion of December 25th and January 1st). December 25th will be hat-draw-style, with whomever can make it.
This is an open recreational league open to players of all skill levels! Even if you're totally new to ultimate frisbee, just be open to learning the sport and doing some running!
Baggage is limited to one player and must be reciprocal. Teams will be re-mixed multiple times throughout the season.
The cost is $40.00 if you have already played in another league this year. If not, it is an additional $18.00 for insurance. We will not have refunds for rain out days.
Level of Play: Recreational; all skill levels are welcome to play.
Dates: Dec 11, 2024 - Feb 26th, 2025
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Creve Coeur Soccer Park
Cost: $40 or $58 for Non-USAU Members
League Coordinator: Nick Reinders